How to change hosts file in Vista?

How to change hosts file in Vista?


notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

into the search box in the start menu and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Admin privileges, the right file from the start and it even gets created if it doesn't exist (after a prompt by Notepad).

The keystroke saved for not needing Win+R gets lost for Ctrl+Shift+Enter, though. So yes, it's way more cumbersome to do in Vista than in XP.

I think I may have wasted ... let me check ... 0 seconds on that this year. Nice :-)

Isn't easy like at XP.

  • Start -> All Programs -> Accessories
  • Run "Notepad" as administrator
  • Click on File -> Open
  • Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc
  • Change the file filter to "All Files (.)"
  • Open "hosts" file
  • Make changes and save.
  • Done