Problem with remoted display of java applications

Solution 1:

From this post on the forums it seems that there are "incorrect insets detection when using the Xming". The fix is to set the AWT_TOOLKIT environment variable. Explanation for why can be found on Sun's page here.


Setting this environment variable fixed all problems. Update: The link containing the original link has changed. See here.

Solution 2:

I also had errors in our Solaris 11 server to Windows 7 desktop using Xming. We were installing some Oracle (Java) apps on the Solaris 11 server and we had issues with XMing with input field becoming uneditable at random times. We tried so many parameter changes and nothing worked (not even a corporate license of Exceed, but that was another issue). We tried using MobaXterm and that worked well and allowed us to do our Oracle installs without issue.