What is the best workaround for the WCF client `using` block issue?

Solution 1:

Actually, although I blogged (see Luke's answer), I think this is better than my IDisposable wrapper. Typical code:


(edit per comments)

Since Use returns void, the easiest way to handle return values is via a captured variable:

int newOrderId = 0; // need a value for definite assignment
    newOrderId = orderService.PlaceOrder(request);
Console.WriteLine(newOrderId); // should be updated

Solution 2:

Given a choice between the solution advocated by IServiceOriented.com and the solution advocated by David Barret's blog, I prefer the simplicity offered by overriding the client's Dispose() method. This allows me to continue to use the using() statement as one would expect with a disposable object. However, as @Brian pointed out, this solution contains a race condition in that the State might not be faulted when it is checked but could be by the time Close() is called, in which case the CommunicationException still occurs.

So, to get around this, I've employed a solution that mixes the best of both worlds.

void IDisposable.Dispose()
    bool success = false;
        if (State != CommunicationState.Faulted) 
            success = true;
        if (!success) 

Solution 3:

I wrote a higher order function to make it work right. We've used this in several projects and it seems to work great. This is how things should have been done from the start, without the "using" paradigm or so on.

TReturn UseService<TChannel, TReturn>(Func<TChannel, TReturn> code)
    var chanFactory = GetCachedFactory<TChannel>();
    TChannel channel = chanFactory.CreateChannel();
    bool error = true;
    try {
        TReturn result = code(channel);
        error = false;
        return result;
    finally {
        if (error) {

You can make calls like this:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int sum = UseService((ICalculator calc) => calc.Add(a, b));

This is pretty much just like you have in your example. In some projects, we write strongly typed helper methods, so we end up writing things like "Wcf.UseFooService(f=>f...)".

I find it quite elegant, all things considered. Is there a particular problem you encountered?

This allows other nifty features to be plugged in. For instance, on one site, the site authenticates to the service on behalf of the logged in user. (The site has no credentials by itself.) By writing our own "UseService" method helper, we can configure the channel factory the way we want, etc. We're also not bound to using the generated proxies -- any interface will do.

Solution 4:

This is Microsoft's recommended way to handle WCF client calls:

For more detail see: Expected Exceptions

    double result = client.Add(value1, value2);
catch (TimeoutException exception)
    Console.WriteLine("Got {0}", exception.GetType());
catch (CommunicationException exception)
    Console.WriteLine("Got {0}", exception.GetType());

Additional information So many people seem to be asking this question on WCF that Microsoft even created a dedicated sample to demonstrate how to handle exceptions:


Download the sample: C# or VB

Considering that there are so many issues involving the using statement, (heated?) Internal discussions and threads on this issue, I'm not going to waste my time trying to become a code cowboy and find a cleaner way. I'll just suck it up, and implement WCF clients this verbose (yet trusted) way for my server applications.

Optional Additional Failures to catch

Many exceptions derive from CommunicationException and I don't think most of those exceptions should be retried. I drudged through each exception on MSDN and found a short list of retry-able exceptions (in addition to TimeOutException above). Do let me know if I missed an exception that should be retried.

  // The following is typically thrown on the client when a channel is terminated due to the server closing the connection.
catch (ChannelTerminatedException cte)
// todo: Implement delay (backoff) and retry

// The following is thrown when a remote endpoint could not be found or reached.  The endpoint may not be found or 
// reachable because the remote endpoint is down, the remote endpoint is unreachable, or because the remote network is unreachable.
catch (EndpointNotFoundException enfe)
// todo: Implement delay (backoff) and retry

// The following exception that is thrown when a server is too busy to accept a message.
catch (ServerTooBusyException stbe)
// todo: Implement delay (backoff) and retry

Admittedly, this is a bit of mundane code to write. I currently prefer this answer, and don't see any "hacks" in that code that may cause issues down the road.