Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration Connection Broker connects to localhost

Solution 1:

Mark, I had a lot of fun tracking this down for you. I can totally see where your line of thought is, but you're asking the wrong question. The question should be "Why can't I establish a 'servermanagerworkflows' session on my machine?"

If you look in the $enf:systemroot\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\RemoteDesktop and open the SessionCollectionProperties.psm1 module and jump to line 383 there's an entry where Microsoft is intentionally trying to create a local session using the Microsoft.Windows.ServerManagerWorkflows configuration. After the session is instantiated the magic happens in the following Try/Catch/Finally blocks.

If you ran $session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName in a PS prompt on it's own, I'm betting you'd get the same error. To reinforce this, run Get-PSSessionConfiguration | Select Name and I'll bet you don't see as part of the list. So, next step is to get you the session config you need.

Run Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.Windows.ServerManagerWorkflows cmdlet and agree to the prompts. If successful run Get-PSSessionConfiguration again and see if the workflows are listed. If they are, you should be good to go, or at least generate a new set of errors.
