Single noun that encompasses both “Buff” and “Nerf” terms as used in video-game slang

The words "buff" and "nerf" are used to mean "beneficial modifier/spell/enchantment" and "detrimental modifier/spell/enchantment" respectively in video games. Is there a single noun that represents/categorizes both of these in a concise and precise manner?

I know I've introduced the words "modifier", "spell" and "enchantment" as part of this question, but they still seem overly broad to me to be used for the purposes of identifying the "buff+nerf" group. "Modifier" is a very generic word that can mean basically anything, "spells" like a fireball are neither buffs nor nerfs, and I'm not sure enchantment fits too as it also seems to represent something more broad, like "spell" (could even be used as a true synonym of "spell" in that sense).

I need to name this concept on a game engine and wanted to find the best term to handle both the positive as well as the negative meanings concisely and in a way to avoid confusion while reading the code.

Solution 1:

Possibly the word “mechanics”, short for game mechanics.

Or “element”, short for game elements.

“Action”. “Dually/Dual”. “Fluctuate” pronounced (FLUCT-OO-EHT)

Function. Movement. Move. Step. Maneuver. Creation.

Dang this one is hard.

Channel? No. Phenomena.

Operative. Operation.

Act. Activity. Gesture.

Derivative. Biproduct. A change. Shift. Budge. Form.