Push View programmatically in callback, SwiftUI

It seems to me that Apple is encouraging us to give up using UIViewController in SwiftUI, but without using view controllers, I feel a little bit powerless. What I would like is to be able to implement some sort of ViewModel which will emit events to View.


public protocol LoginViewModel: ViewModel {
  var onError: PassthroughSubject<Error, Never> { get }
  var onSuccessLogin: PassthroughSubject<Void, Never> { get }


public struct LoginView: View {
  fileprivate let viewModel: LoginViewModel
  public init(viewModel: LoginViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel
  public var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        .onReceive(self.viewModel.onError, perform: self.handleError)
        .onReceive(self.viewModel.onSuccessLogin, perform: self.handleSuccessfullLogin)

  func handleSuccessfullLogin() {
    //push next screen
  func handleError(_ error: Error) {
    //show alert

Using SwiftUI, I don't know how to push another controller if login is successful

Also, I would appreciate any advice about how to implement what I want in a better way. Thanks.

Solution 1:

I've found the answer. If you want to show another view on callback you should

  1. Create state @State var pushActive = false

  2. When ViewModel notifies that login is successful set pushActive to true

    func handleSuccessfullLogin() {
        self.pushActive = true
  3. Create hidden NavigationLink and bind to that state

       ProfileView(viewModel: ProfileViewModelImpl()),
       isActive: self.$pushActive) {

Solution 2:

I'm adding some snippets here because I think it simplifies some things and makes reusing navigation links easier:

1. Add View Navigation Extensions

extension View {
    func navigatePush(whenTrue toggle: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
            destination: self,
            isActive: toggle
        ) { EmptyView() }

    func navigatePush<H: Hashable>(when binding: Binding<H>,
                                   matches: H) -> some View {
            destination: self,
            tag: matches,
            selection: Binding<H?>(binding)
        ) { EmptyView() }

    func navigatePush<H: Hashable>(when binding: Binding<H?>,
                                   matches: H) -> some View {
            destination: self,
            tag: matches,
            selection: binding
        ) { EmptyView() }

Now, you can call on any view (make sure they (or a parent) are in a navigation view)

2. Use at leisure

struct Example: View {
    @State var toggle = false
    @State var tag = 0

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 24) {
                Text("toggle pushed me")
                    .navigatePush(whenTrue: $toggle)
                Text("tag pushed me (2)")
                    .navigatePush(when: $tag, matches: 2)
                Text("tag pushed me (4)")
                    .navigatePush(when: $tag, matches: 4)

                Button("toggle") {
                    self.toggle = true

                Button("set tag 2") {
                    self.tag = 2

                Button("set tag 4") {
                    self.tag = 4