Shortcut to open file in Vim

I want to open a file in Vim like in Eclipse using Ctrl + Shift + R, or via the Ctrl + N option of autofill. Invoke a keyboard shortcut, type the file name/pattern, and choose from all the matching files names.

I know opening it normally like:

:tabe <filepath>
:new <filepath>
:edit <filepath>

The problem here is that I have to specify the whole file path in these cases.

What I normally do is e . (e-space-dot) which gives me a browsable current directory - then I can / - search for name fragments, just like finding a word in a text file. I find that generally good enough, simple and quick.

I recently fell in love with fuzzyfinder.vim ... :-)

:FuzzyFinderFile will let you open files by typing partial names or patterns.

:find is another option.

I open vim from the root of my project and have the path set to there.

Then, I can open files located anywhere in the tree using:

:find **/filena< tab >

Tab will autocomplete through various matches. (** tells it to search recursively through the path).

You can search for a file in the current path by using **:

:tabe **/header.h

Hit tab to see various completions if there is more than one match.