Is there a sample MongoDB Database along the lines of world for MySql? [closed]

As someone new to Mongo, I am looking for a sample MongoDB database that I can import and play with. Something along the lines of world for mysql or Northwind for MSSQL.

Is there one? (I couldn't find any reference to one at nor did my googling help)

I found this you can import the json data with:

mongoimport --db scratch --collection zips --file zips.json

I guess that you can import any json data that you find, it also supports csv and tsv. Hope this helps.

For *NIX/Mac OS this can be done in two simple steps

mongoimport -v --file=zips.json

For Windows users: Please follow the following steps to import from the json file if you are using windows 7:

  • Download the above mentioned JSON file and place it inside a folder (say d:\sample)
  • Open a command prompt, start the mongo server by going in to the bin directory and typing in mongoD
  • Now take another command prompt and go to the bin directory again and write the following command

    C:\mongodb\bin>mongoimport --db test --collection zips --file d:\sample\zips.json

  • The import should start working immediately and at the end it should show something like this : Thu Dec 19 17:11:22 imported 29470 objects

That's it!