What does "outlier organization" mean? [closed]

Edit for a more specific answer:

"XXX is an outlier organization in the world of turning science fiction into reality."

XXX could be making everyone pay with bitcoin, or it could be the only organization that's actually selling while everyone else is going bankrupt. Pretty much anything can make it into an outlier.

An outlier organization is an organization, that is an outlier compared to other organizations in its field.

For example: Tesla is an outlier organization, because it is an automotive company that does not offer any cars with combustion engines built in.

The local archery club is an outlier organization, because it is a sports club that is not funded by the state, but privately owned instead.

Oxford Learners Dictionaries on "outlier":

  1. a person or thing that is different from or in a position away from others in the group

They are corporate outliers, people who just don't fit into the culture of the company.