You can "allocate the slot S for X", but what's a verb V that will work in a sentence such as "Please V X into the slot S"?

In "Please V X into the slot S", the word order is such that

  • V immediately precedes S, and
  • the preposition into is then used.

That's what I need. Clearly you can put or insert X into slot S. But I am after a verb which conveys a similar sense to allocate, connoting that you have arranged or earmarked or allocated a special slot into which you then deposit the item X.

Solution 1:

Appropriate, as a verb, is the best I got. Then use “to” not “into”, maybe either.

Deposit helps us just a little; it indicates intent and care but not assignment. Dedicate is better and seems to fit the need but then sounds doesn’t sound right, again with “to”.

Dedicate or appropriate. Or even direct.

Please direct the money into slot S.

None are perfect; if we could put an adjective on the slot instead would be easy, “correct”, “appropriate”, “designated” (which is even better than “dedicated”) etc.