Undo Close Tab in Vim

Solution 1:

Your file is probably still open in a buffer:

:ls " get the buffer number
:tabnew +Nbuf " where N is the buffer number

To reopen buffer 18, for example:

:tabnew +18buf

Solution 2:


Reopens recently closed file in new tab

Edit: Please use greyfade's answer. I don't like my answer, but I'm keeping it here for references and useful comment info.

Solution 3:

I'm using an MRU (most recently used files) plugin. So I can edit the last 30 files I've just edited

Here are the MRU plugin metadata:

File: mru.vim
Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
Version: 3.2   Last Modified:
September 22, 2008


To list and edit files from the MRU list, you can use the ":MRU" command. The ":MRU" command displays the MRU file list in a temporary Vim window. If the MRU window is already opened, then the MRU list displayed in the window is refreshed.

Solution 4:

Simple answer is no, there is nothing built-in.

But a workable solution would be to use a plug-in like the excellent BufExplorer. Since it defaults to listing the most recently used buffers first, reopening a closed tab would be as simple as pressing \bet