Where can I find numbers for frequencies of digraphs?
Solution 1:
I found this table at http://pi.math.cornell.edu/~mec/2003-2004/cryptography/subs/digraphs.html . Here are the top 10 (based on a sample of 40,000 words):
Digraph | Count | Digraph | Frequency |
th | 5532 | th | 1.52 |
he | 4657 | he | 1.28 |
in | 3429 | in | 0.94 |
er | 3420 | er | 0.94 |
an | 3005 | an | 0.82 |
re | 2465 | re | 0.68 |
nd | 2281 | nd | 0.63 |
at | 2155 | at | 0.59 |
on | 2086 | on | 0.57 |
nt | 2058 | nt | 0.56 |