Help in evaluating $\int \frac {t^4 \tan t}{2 + \cos t}~dt$

Can anybody help me in evaluating this indefinite integral? I can't possibly find a workable substitution: $$\int \dfrac {t^4 \tan t}{2 + \cos t}dt$$

I have already tried substituting $\tan t=\frac{\sin t}{\cos t}$ and it ended up as $\int \frac {t^4\frac {\sin t}{\cos t}}{2+\cos t}~dt \Rightarrow \int \frac {t^4\sin t}{2\cos t + \cos^2 t}~dt$. Substitution fails from here.

You need to change it into:

$\int t^4 \tan(t) \times (2+\cos(t))^{-1} dt$


$u = t^4 tan(t), \frac {du}{dx}=4t^5 \sec^2(t),$

$v=\int (2+cos(t))^{-1} dx,\frac{dv}{dx}=(2+cos(t))^{-1} $

then use this rule (Integration by parts):

$\int u \times \frac{dv}{dx} dx = u\times v-\int \frac{du}{dx} \times v$ $dx $