Word for "creating laughter"

I'm looking for a literary word which means "to create laughter". Is there such a word in English?

I'm going to use this word in the following title:

Philosophical Theories of "Creating Laughter" and Study of Adaptive Samples of His Humor

Solution 1:

A commonly-used term for this is risible, with senses including

  1. Of or pertaining to laughter
  2. Provoking laughter; ludicrous; ridiculous; humorously insignificant
  3. (of a person) Easily laughing; prone to laughter

The first part of the title you're considering would read "Philosophical Theories of Risibility". (I don't know what you mean in the second part of the title.)

Solution 2:

I think these (risibility, humorousness) words are not so usable because the humor is always two-sided thing. You can't make a joke that would be funny for everybody. Even more, jokes are very rarely funny for really broad public. Children jokes are a bit more universal, but they are for children only. The jokes for elder public highly depend on the culture and the place of the listener in it.

Because of that the word humor is used instead. It supposes the sense of humor on both sides.

So, why not Philosophical Theories of Humor instead? You won't be risible with such title :-)

Solution 3:

I think "humorousness" might be another option "Philosophical Theories of Humorousness" sounds good to me and the word is much more common even in the other than English speaking countries