SOAP-UI - How to pass xml inside parameter

In SOAP-UI I am making a request to a web service like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xxx="">
            <parameter1>some text</parameter1>
            <parameter2>XML string</parameter1>

What I would like to know is how I can pass an XML string on parameter 2 since if I put the XML string directly it assumes the XML string nodes as request parameters....


Either encode the needed XML entities or use CDATA.

    <parameter1>&lt;test>like this&lt;/test></parameter1>
    <parameter2><![CDATA[<test>or like this</test>]]></parameter2>

NOTE: This one is just an alternative for the previous provided .NET framework 3.5 and above

You can send it as raw xml

<test>or like this</test>

If you declare the paramater2 as XElement data type