Ubuntu 14.04 Nautilus "connect to server..." window changed

Finally solved it!

I don't know why but Nautilus 3.10 treats in an odd way the ~/.ssh/config file, or at least this is what I've experienced.

This is how my ~/.ssh/config file looks like:

Host aws_host
  HostName [host ip addres]
  User ubuntu
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_key.pem

DO NOT use your DNS name on your "Host" OR "HostName" variables or you may get an error saying Unable to find the requested location. Please check the spelling or the network settings. or an error saying Don't have permission to access the requested location.

The next step is to go to File -> Connect to Server... and in the Server Address bar write: sftp://ubuntu@aws_host and you should get your sftp drive mounted.

enter image description here

I'm really surprised of how difficult it was to find this simple answer on the internet, everybody just goes around and sugests that you use Filezilla.