Why isn't finder finding all files?

I had a Smart Search for my Photo Stream files located at ~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub/, searching for JPG and PNG files. I found that not all files were showing up. So I went looking for them myself and was able to locate them.

enter image description here

How does this make sense? Why doesn't finder see the same results? The list of files was achieved using the find command at the prompt. I then passed a simple find result to wc to get the count, 153 files found via find in Terminal but only 75 in Finder using Spotlight? What's the deal?

It might be necessary to rebuild the Spotlight database by running

sudo mdutil -E /

and waiting a few hours. I had the same issue in the past and rebuilding the index resolved it.

I have this all the time...

Manual search or saved search shows:

  • IMG_4668.JPG
  • IMG_4663.JPG
  • IMG_4662.JPG
  • IMG_4661.JPG

and in the /assets/sub folder I see all the files. (including IMG_4664/5/6/7.JPG etc)

After running the following command everything is fine but it will take only a week or so before it's messed up again.

sudo mdutil -E /

Same applies to the ~/Library/Mobile Documents/ folder. Multiple tests on other folders are succesfull. Just not the results for these 2 folders that both happen (?) to be under ~/Library/

Old Macbook and my new (freshly installed) Macbook: same issue