Detect and extract url from a string?

Solution 1:

Let me go ahead and preface this by saying that I'm not a huge advocate of regex for complex cases. Trying to write the perfect expression for something like this is very difficult. That said, I do happen to have one for detecting URL's and it's backed by a 350 line unit test case class that passes. Someone started with a simple regex and over the years we've grown the expression and test cases to handle the issues we've found. It's definitely not trivial:

// Pattern for recognizing a URL, based off RFC 3986
private static final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile(
                + "(([\\w\\-]+\\.){1,}?([\\w\\-.~]+\\/?)*"
                + "[\\p{Alnum}.,%_=?&#\\-+()\\[\\]\\*$~@!:/{};']*)",
        Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);

Here's an example of using it:

Matcher matcher = urlPattern.matcher("foo bar baz");
while (matcher.find()) {
    int matchStart = matcher.start(1);
    int matchEnd = matcher.end();
    // now you have the offsets of a URL match

Solution 2:

 * Returns a list with all links contained in the input
public static List<String> extractUrls(String text)
    List<String> containedUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
    String urlRegex = "((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file):((//)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:#@%/;$()~_?\\+-=\\\\\\.&]*)";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(urlRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher urlMatcher = pattern.matcher(text);

    while (urlMatcher.find())

    return containedUrls;


List<String> extractedUrls = extractUrls("Welcome to and here is another link \n which is a great search engine");

for (String url : extractedUrls)


Solution 3: gives you the first matching group, that is to say the first capturing parenthesis. Here it's (https?|ftp|file)

You should try to see if there is something in, or surround all your pattern with parenthesis and use again.

You need to repeat your find function to match the next one and use the new group array.

Solution 4:

Detecting URLs is not an easy task. If its enough for you to get a string that starts with https?|ftp|file then it could be fine. Your problem here is, that you have a capturing group, the () and those are only around the first part http...

I would make this part a non capturing group using (?:) and put brackets around the whole thing.
