Best method to delete an item from a dict [closed]

In Python there are at least two methods to delete an item from a dict using a key.

d = {"keyA": 123, "keyB": 456, "keyC": 789}

#remove via pop

#remove via del
del d["keyB"]

Both methods would remove the item from the dict.

I wonder what the difference between these methods is and in what kinds of situations I should use one or the other.

  • Use d.pop if you want to capture the removed item, like in item = d.pop("keyA").

  • Use del if you want to delete an item from a dictionary.

  • If you want to delete, suppressing an error if the key isn't in the dictionary: if thekey in thedict: del thedict[thekey]

pop returns the value of deleted key.
Basically, d.pop(key) evaluates as x = d[key]; del d[key]; return x.

  • Use pop when you need to know the value of deleted key
  • Use del otherwise

Most of the time the most useful one actually is:

d.pop("keyC", None)

which removes the key from the dict, but does not raise a KeyError if it didn't exist.

The expression also conveniently returns the value under the key, or None if there wasn't one.

I guess it comes down to if you need the removed item returned or not. pop returns the item removed, del does not.