Noun for a non urgent task you have been meaning to do for a long time but have not got around to? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

They're tasks that are put on the back burner.

Back burner [noun]

a condition of low priority or temporary deferment (usually used in the phrase on the back burner):

  • Put other issues on the back burner until after the election.


The noun has been verbed, and attributive usages are quite common, for example:

  • At Trump-Kim summit, human rights is a back-burner issue.

[APNews, 2018]

Solution 2:


What you have described fits the definition of a chore. This is defined as:

A recurrent and tedious task

[The Oxford Reference Dictionary 1986]

When I think of window cleaning, filing and other such necessary but non-urgent tasks, I think of them as chores. They have a way of piling up!

Solution 3:

A routine task is not urgent or important, but still must be completed.

Solution 4:

Idiomatically, you might simply describe such tasks as being on the list, or (in relation to a list held personally) on my list.

The implication being that you are aware of them and they are at least important enough to record, but that they are amongst many other tasks on a list, and will only be dealt with in turn, or at an unspecified time later.