How to convert UIColor to SwiftUI‘s Color

I want to use a UIColor as foregroundcolor for an object but I don’t know how to convert UIColor to a Color

var myColor: UIColor
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5).foregroundColor(UIColor(myColor))

Starting with beta 5, you can create a Color from a UIColor:


Both iOS and macOS

Color has a native initializer for it that takes an UIColor or NSColor as an argument:

Color(.red) /* or any other UIColor/NSColor you need INSIDE parentheses */

DO NOT call Color( explicitly !!!. This will couple your SwiftUI code to the UIKit. Instead, just call Color(.red) That will infer the correct module automatically.

Also, Note this difference:     /* this `red` is SwiftUI native `red` */
Color(.red)   /* this `red` is UIKit `red` */

suColor vs uiColor

Note that: and are NOT same! They have different values and look different with each other. So DON'T assume this worth nothing

These are equal instead: SwiftUI.Color.Red == UIKit.UIColor.systemRed

Also, You can check out How to get RGB components from SwiftUI.Color


You can implement a custom variable for it to make it more like cgColor and ciColor

extension UIColor {
    /// The SwiftUI color associated with the receiver.
    var suColor: Color { Color(self) }

so it would be like:         // UIKit color // SwiftUI color // Core graphic color // Core image color

Note: Click here to see How to convert SwiftUI.Color to UIColor