What's a word combining appease/placate and encourage?

There's a word in the back of my mind that I just can't quite bring to the surface. It is generally used with negative connotations and it means something along the lines of appeasing/placating/pacifying someone to the point of encouraging bad behaviour.


A sample sentence:

Stop [word]ing Clive, he's just going to get worse.

Indulging or overindulging a child refers to giving them too much of what they want so they don't learn the necessary life lessons: dealing with disappointment, learning to wait, saving up, learning to share, feeling and expressing gratitude, and more. Merriam-Webster gives as one of the meanings of "indulge": "to treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration", and it's the word "excessive" that is key.

According to psychology professor David Bredehoft, it's a form of child neglect because it hampers their development, and produces adults who overeat and drink, are always in debt, can't follow rules, and are never satisfied. There is a lot of parenting advice on how to reward children in a healthy way and not (over)indulge them.