MethodInfo.Invoke with out Parameter

an example code what I try to do will surely do better than my english:

public bool IsNumericValueInBounds (string value, Type numericType)
  double d = double.NaN;     

  bool inBounds = (bool)numericType.GetMethod ("TryParse").Invoke (null, new object[] { value, d });

  return inBounds;

Unfortunately the TryParse method needs an out parameter so this doesn't work. any ideas how to solve this?

(ps.: would'nt this be a nice example for duck typing? - because i know every numericType has an "TryParse" or I am mistaken?)

public static bool TryParse( string text, out int number ) { .. }

MethodInfo method = GetTryParseMethodInfo();
object[] parameters = new object[]{ "12345", null }
object result = method.Invoke( null, parameters );
bool blResult = (bool)result;
if ( blResult ) {
    int parsedNumber = (int)parameters[1];