In X3, will auto-aiming handle multiple weapon types?

Solution 1:

No, they won't unfortunately. Whatever part of the code does the calculation for the recticule will get confused and one sort of your weapons will miss.

What you can do, is having multiple groups, like 2x Weapon A and 2x Weapn B and then switch between them, so that only 1 Weapon Type is active. If you have more than 1 Weapon Type in your current group, it won't work, as already explained.

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I may quote it for your convinience:

well i cant anser the range question but i cant for the projectile speed one,the auto aim will set the mark on the slowest weapon,so what happends is that you're faster shots are in the same arc as the slower end up wasting more energy this way is an example lets say you have some high energy plasma throwers paired with some phased repeater guns,now you start shoting the first 50 shots of the PRG will be wasted cuz they are shot to ahead of its target but shots 51+ are in the stream of the first few shots of the HEPT.

This matches my experience with the X Series.