How to Install and Find Fonts for Mac OS X?
I would like to install some additional fonts on my Mac.
Is it possible to install some fonts (.ttf - true type fonts - which is installed on Windows) can be installed on my Mac?
Are there any free font collections for Mac OS X?
Solution 1:
I'm not getting into the licensing issues here, but if you put fonts in
- /Library/Fonts/
- /Users/username/Library/Fonts
and they'll show up. Windows .ttf fonts tend to work.
The first folder installs for all users, the second for that specific user.
I tend to not use free fonts, as they're not built nearly as well, so I don't have a recommendation there.
Solution 2:
Caskroom-fonts is a Homebrew Tap which allows you to use the same friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of binary font files on your Mac.
Homebrew fonts
$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts # You only need to do this once!
$ brew install font-inconsolata