Posting to instagram from Ubuntu

You can use chromeos-apk

It lets you run most android apps as a chrome browser plugin. Luckily instagram seems to run.

chromeos-apk is a tool developed by Vlad Filippov to run android apps on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, OSX.

On Ubuntu, open a Terminal window. Run the following two commands to install and set up node.js:

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Next, install the chromeos-apk tool:

sudo npm install chromeos-apk -g

Make a directory in your home folder

mkdir apks

then download runtime library in this link Archon extract it into apks directory, I used 32bitArchon

Open your chrome or chromium browser version number is higher than 38, then (Chrome > "Hamburger" menu > Tools > Extensions), click Enable developer mode, and use the Load unpacked extension button to load the Archon runtime library.

Finally, download an android app with apk extension, move it to apks folder, open terminal in it and run

chromeos-apk nameofapp.apk --tablet

and load it as extension like we loaded Archon,

Launch it and enjoy!

Another way is to trick into thinking you are using a mobile phone.

The following method has been tested on Ubuntu 17.04 with Firefox 60.0. On 14.04 (as tagged in the question), or with other browsers, things may differ a bit, but it should be possible.

  • Log in to .
  • Type CTRL+SHIFT+M to open the "responsive design mode".
  • At the top of the virtual screen inside the window, you should see "no device select"; select any device (e.g. treat yourself with a Samsung S7 ;-).
  • Reload the page.
  • At the bottom of the virtual screen, you should see toolbar with a + button.
  • Post away :)

maybe you've bought a smartphone by now, but just in case,


  1. press, Ctrl+Shift+I
  2. then press, the second option from, top left -- toggle device toolbar
  3. then, refresh the page, and you are done.


  • you cannot upload multiple photos, through this process.