How do I disable update warnings on my iPhone?

I got a bought app (i.e. not a free one - be it given to me, bought by me or gifted, I don't know). It works great. Then some update for it comes along with many other updates for other apps. I press "update all" and every time this one app gives me a notification that I need to buy it because it's a new major version or whatever. Well, I don't want to do it, it works fine the way it is (probably because I was still in iOS 3.1.3)!

So, how can I just remove the future updates from the list? If there is any way to do it, that is.

P.S.: Now I upgraded to iOS 4, the app stopped working and I decided to just delete it along with another couple of apps which had a similar issue.

You don't get charged for app upgrades on iOS. You only get notification for free updates.

It is possible you had run into whatever is described here (the comment 9:09AM on 3-05-2010 and further):

So seems clear iPhone checks the installed apps vs iTunes store but when you click update all and it asks for the updated app, iTunes says "nuh-uh! you did not purchase this one, i am not signing/certifying bundle for you"