Word to describe someone who composes artistic writing

I want to confirm or consider suitable choices for describing some one who writes artistically. The trouble is I'm having trouble finding a word with the right scope:

  • Lyricist - This was my first choice, but after thinking on it, I suppose this word would exclude broader forms of artistic writing like, poetry.
  • Poet - The converse of the preceding problem.
  • Versist - doesn't seem to be a word?
  • writer - Alas, the vanilla "writer" is too broad and includes prose

Was simply hoping to find a "-ist"-type of word to refer to the entire universe of artistic writing, are there any likely suitors?

"Wordsmith" should satisfy your needs, except that prose is not excluded.

(Cambridge Dictionary) wordsmith a person who has skill with using words, especially in writing:

Based on your idea of 'versist', which definitely isn't in use, you could use versewriter or versemaker (both could include a hyphen if desired), which also aren't in wide use but would be easily understood by an English speaker to mean someone who writes verse.

In practice, I would agree with @Peter Shor in his comment, when he suggests just using poets and lyricists; as he says, "there isn't a rule that every natural concept has to be expressed by one word".