Wait for multiple simultaneous powershell commands in other sessions to finish before running next commands
You are indeed looking for Powershell background jobs, as Lee Daily advises.
However, jobs are heavy-handed, because each job runs in its own process, which introduces significant overhead, and can also result in loss of type fidelity (due to PowerShell's XML-based serialization infrastructure being involved - see this answer).
The ThreadJob
module offers a lightweight alternative based on threads.
It comes with PowerShell [Core] v6+ and in Windows PowerShell can be installed on demand with, e.g., Install-Module ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser
You simply call Start-ThreadJob
instead of Start-Job
, and use the standard *-Job
cmdlets to manage such thread jobs - the same way you'd manage a regular background job.
Here's an example:
$startedAt = [datetime]::UtcNow
# Define the commands to run as [thread] jobs.
$commands = { $n = 2; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." },
{ $n = 3; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." },
{ $n = 10; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." }
# Start the (thread) jobs.
# You could use `Start-Job` here, but that would be more resource-intensive
# and make the script run considerably longer.
$jobs = $commands | Foreach-Object { Start-ThreadJob $_ }
# Wait until all jobs have completed, passing their output through as it
# is received, and automatically clean up afterwards.
$jobs | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
"All jobs completed. Total runtime in secs.: $(([datetime]::UtcNow - $startedAt).TotalSeconds)"
The above yields something like the following; note that the individual commands' output is reported as it becomes available, but execution of the calling script doesn't continue until all commands have completed:
I ran for 2 secs.
I ran for 3 secs.
I ran for 10 secs.
All jobs completed. Total runtime in secs.: 10.2504931
Note: In this simple case, it's obvious which output came from which command, but more typically the output from the various jobs will run unpredictably interleaved, which makes it difficult to interpret the output - see the next section for a solution.
As you can see, the overhead introduced for the thread-based parallel execution in the background is minimal - overall execution took only a little longer than 10 seconds, the runtime of the longest-running of the 3 commands.
If you were to use the process-based Start-Job
instead, the overall execution time might look something like this, showing the significant overhead introduced, especially the first time you run a background job in a session:
All jobs completed. Total runtime in secs.: 18.7502717
That is, at least on the first invocation in a session, the benefits of parallel execution in the background were negated - execution took longer than sequential execution would have taken in this case.
While subsequent process-based background jobs in the same session run faster, the overhead is still significantly higher than it is for thread-based jobs.
Synchronizing the job output streams
If you want show output from the background commands per command, you need to collect output separately.
Note: In a console window (terminal), this requires you to wait until all commands have completed before you can show the output (because there is no way to show multiple output streams simultaneously via in-place updating, at least with the regular output commands).
$startedAt = [datetime]::UtcNow
$commands = { $n = 1; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." },
{ $n = 2; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." },
{ $n = 3; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." }
$jobs = $commands | Foreach-Object { Start-ThreadJob $_ }
# Wait until all jobs have completed.
$null = Wait-Job $jobs
# Collect the output individually for each job and print it.
foreach ($job in $jobs) {
"`n--- Output from {$($job.Command)}:"
Receive-Job $job
"`nAll jobs completed. Total runtime in secs.: $('{0:N2}' -f ([datetime]::UtcNow - $startedAt).TotalSeconds)"
The above will print something like this:
--- Output from { $n = 1; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." }:
I ran for 1 secs.
--- Output from { $n = 2; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." }:
I ran for 2 secs.
--- Output from { $n = 3; Start-Sleep $n; "I ran for $n secs." }:
I ran for 3 secs.
All jobs completed. Total runtime in secs.: 3.09
Using Start-Process
to run the commands in separate windows
On Windows, you can use Start-Process
(whose alias is start
) to run commands in a new window, which is also asynchronous by default, i.e., serially launched commands do run in parallel.
In a limited form, this allows you to monitor command-specific output in real time, but it comes with the following caveats:
You'll have to manually activate the new windows individually to see the output being generated.
The output is only visible while a command is running; on completion, its window closes automatically, so you can't inspect the output after the fact.
To work around that you'd have to use something like
in your PowerShell cmdlet in order to also capture output in a file, which the caller could later inspect. -
This is also the only way to make the output available programmatically, albeit only as text.
Passing PowerShell commands to
requires you to pass your commands as strings (rather than script blocks) and has annoying parsing requirements, such as the need to escape"
chars. as\"
(sic) - see below. -
Last and not least, using
also introduces significant processing overhead (though with very long-running commands that may not matter).
$startedAt = [datetime]::UtcNow
# Define the commands - of necessity - as *strings*.
# Note the unexpected need to escape the embedded " chars. as \"
$commands = '$n = 1; Start-Sleep $n; \"I ran for $n secs.\"',
'$n = 2; Start-Sleep $n; \"I ran for $n secs.\"',
'$n = 3; Start-Sleep $n; \"I ran for $n secs.\"'
# Use `Start-Process` to launch the commands asynchronously,
# in a new window each (Windows only).
# `-PassThru` passes an object representing the newly created process through.
$procs = $commands | ForEach-Object { Start-Process -PassThru powershell -Args '-c', $_ }
# Wait for all processes to exit.
"`nAll processes completed. Total runtime in secs.: $('{0:N2}' -f ([datetime]::UtcNow - $startedAt).TotalSeconds)"
[1] In Windows PowerShell v3 and v4, Install-Module
isn't available by default, because these versions do not come with the PowerShellGet
module. However, this module can be installed on demand, as detailed in Installing PowerShellGet
A simple answer to the question, using jobs.
start-job { sleep 2000 }
start-job { sleep 3000 }
start-job { sleep 10000 }
get-job | wait-job
echo hi
Here's another way. Start being an alias for start-process. You could use timeout instead of sleep. Running timeout three times looks pretty cool actually, but it can mess up some of the output.
$a = start -NoNewWindow powershell {timeout 10; 'a done'} -PassThru
$b = start -NoNewWindow powershell {timeout 10; 'b done'} -PassThru
$c = start -NoNewWindow powershell {timeout 10; 'c done'} -PassThru
$a,$b,$c | wait-process
b done
c done
a done
Here's an attempt at workflow.
function sleepfor($time) { sleep $time; "sleepfor $time done"}
workflow work {
parallel {
sleepfor 3
sleepfor 2
sleepfor 1
sleepfor 1 done
sleepfor 2 done
sleepfor 3 done
Or just:
function sleepfor($time) { sleep $time; "sleepfor $time done"}
workflow work2 {
foreach -parallel ($i in 1..3) { sleepfor 10 }
work2 # runs in about 13 seconds
sleepfor 10 done
sleepfor 10 done
sleepfor 10 done
Api attempt with 3 runspaces:
$a = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'a done'}
$b = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'b done'}
$c = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'c done'}
$r1,$r2,$r3 = ($a,$b,$c).begininvoke()
$a.EndInvoke($r1); $b.EndInvoke($r2); $c.EndInvoke($r3)
a done
b done
c done
Remote invoke-command (elevated prompt):
invoke-command localhost,localhost,localhost { sleep 5; 'done' }