How to stop uwsgi when no pidfile in config?

ps ax | grep uwsgi
15005 pts/4    S      0:00 /ve/path/bin/uwsgi --ini config.ini
15006 pts/4    S      0:00 /ve/path/bin/uwsgi --ini config.ini
15007 pts/4    S      0:00 /ve/path/bin/uwsgi --ini config.ini

killall -s INT /ve/path/bin/uwsgi

It is a known feature that you cannot terminate uwsgi with just kill. The second bullet of:

Til uWSGI 2.1, by default, sending the SIGTERM signal to uWSGI means “brutally reload the stack” while the convention is to shut an application down on SIGTERM. To shutdown uWSGI use SIGINT or SIGQUIT instead. If you absolutely can not live with uWSGI being so disrespectful towards SIGTERM, by all means enable the die-on-term option. Fortunately, this bad choice has been fixed in uWSGI 2.1

Similar to the top one answer, in Ubuntu or Debian you can simply dosudo killall -9 uwsgi. Though I do want to know if uwsgi gives a way to stop itself.