Apache producing lots of SSL-only errors even though the data in-browser seems fine

This question appears to be the same as this one, which obviously I found while diagnosing the same thing.

The issue is caused by setting a name based (or wildcard catchall) to a VirtualHost instead of an IP address. The problem is that the domain name is only passed to a web server once the connection is established, by which stage the SSL/TLS connection must already be active, so the server needs to select the correct SSL key based on the minimum information available and that is the IP address for that virtual host.

There is greater detail and sample configuration information on the Apache website, but basically you want to change the <VirtualHost x.com:443> to <VirtualHost> where that uses the IP address for that host/interface.

As others have said, these messages are logged because your LogLevel is set to info. If you don't want these specific messages, but still want info level logs, you can reconfigure this in your apache config:

LogLevel info ssl:warn

LogLevel info is most likely the cause, and it definitely looks like harmless noise.

Any particular reason you need the logging set to that verbose, or can you dial it back to something like notice or warn?