Spell Correction using only the keyboard

Solution 1:

Yo ! Man, I got the best thing for you.

Just type some of your characters of word & press F5 & see the magic, It is what you want. Suppose your not getting the word rub some & get what you want.

Here is snap-shot of what you want. ( source of lots of shortcut keys )

Suppose, I am a user, I would do as follows.

  • Start typing
  • suppose I typed Compu
  • and then I would press F5 for getting hints

simple & short just F5 does all for you, no need to press Cmd+: and then get correct one from list. It will give you list on the spot.

alt text

Solution 2:

I just went through Apple's Keyboard Shortcuts Document and really didn't fine anything meaningful. I picked some of the more vague ones and tried them out in TextEdit to no avail.

While I don't want this to be the answer, my current idea is to use Mouse Keys, as silly as it is to say. Activating the shortcut via Universal Access.prefpane, then quint (five)-tapping Option ⌥, then you should be able to call up the window by either;

  • holding (with a numpad) 5 (without a numpad) i, or;
  • pressing (with a numpad) 0 (without a numpad) m.

The context window should pop-up, and you can select the correct spelling/action as you desire, and move on... after you disable Mouse Keys with the same shortcut, that is. (Quint (five)-tapping Option ⌥).

Solution 3:

Open Automator, create a Service without input in any application, and add a single Run AppleScript action. Copy and paste the following code:

tell application "System Events"
    # locate frontmost application
    repeat with ap in application processes
        if frontmost of ap is true then
            set fmap to ap
        end if
    end repeat

    tell application process fmap
        # click its "Show/Hide Spelling and Grammar"
        set scw to windows of fmap whose name is "Spelling and Grammar" and role description is "floating window"
            tell first menu bar of fmap
                tell first menu of (first menu bar item whose name is "Edit")
                    tell first menu of (first menu item whose name is "Spelling")
                        if (count of scw) = 0 then
                            tell (first menu item whose name is "Show Spelling and Grammar") to click
                            tell (first menu item whose name is "Hide Spelling and Grammar") to click
                        end if
                    end tell
                end tell
            end tell
        on error
            display alert "Cannot open/close Spelling and Grammar window!"
        end try

        # focus the Spelling and Grammar field
        set fw to first window of fmap whose name is "Spelling and Grammar" and role description is "floating window"
        perform (first action of fw whose name is "AXRaise")
        set focused of first text field of fw to true
    end tell
end tell

Save as a Service and assign a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Services. I set it up so it toggles the window when pressed repeatedly. Is, of course, locale dependent and expects the grammar menu item in the usual location; displays an error if that fails.

Unfortunately, being Automator, it's somewhat slow.