Android plurals treatment of "zero"

If have the following plural ressource in my strings.xml:

   <plurals name="item_shop">
        <item quantity="zero">No item</item>
        <item quantity="one">One item</item>
        <item quantity="other">%d items</item>

I'm showing the result to the user using:

textView.setText(getQuantityString(R.plurals.item_shop, quantity, quantity));

It's working well with 1 and above, but if quantity is 0 then I see "0 items". Is "zero" value supported only in Arabic language as the documentation seems to indicate? Or am I missing something?

Solution 1:

The Android resource method of internationalisation is quite limited. I have had much better success using the standard java.text.MessageFormat.

Basically, all you have to do is use the standard string resource like this:

    <string name="item_shop">{0,choice,0#No items|1#One item|1&lt;{0} items}</string>

Then, from the code all you have to do is the following:

String fmt = getResources().getText(R.string.item_shop).toString();
textView.setText(MessageFormat.format(fmt, amount));

You can read more about the format strings in the javadocs for MessageFormat

Solution 2:


Note that the selection is made based on grammatical necessity. A string for zero in English will be ignored even if the quantity is 0, because 0 isn't grammatically different from 2, or any other number except 1 ("zero books", "one book", "two books", and so on). Don't be misled either by the fact that, say, two sounds like it could only apply to the quantity 2: a language may require that 2, 12, 102 (and so on) are all treated like one another but differently to other quantities. Rely on your translator to know what distinctions their language actually insists upon.

In conclusion, 'zero' is only used for certain languages (same goes for 'two' 'few' etc.) because the other languages do not have a special conjugation and therefore the 'zero' field is considered unnecessary

Solution 3:

Here is a workaround I am using to handle this issue without switching to MessageFormat.

First I extract the "zero" string into its own string resource.

<string name="x_items_zero">No items.</string>
<plurals name="x_items">
    <!-- NOTE: This "zero" value is never accessed but is kept here to show the intended usage of the "zero" string -->
    <item quantity="zero">@string/x_items_zero</item>
    <item quantity="one">One item.</item>
    <item quantity="other">%d items.</item>

Then I have some convenience methods in my own ResourcesUtil

public static String getQuantityStringZero(Resources resources, int resId, int zeroResId, int quantity) {
    if (quantity == 0) {
        return resources.getString(zeroResId);
    } else {
        return resources.getQuantityString(resId, quantity, quantity);

public static String getQuantityStringZero(Resources resources, int resId, int zeroResId, int quantity, Object... formatArgs) {
    if (quantity == 0) {
        return resources.getString(zeroResId);
    } else {
        return resources.getQuantityString(resId, quantity, formatArgs);

Now anytime I want to use a specific string for quantity zero I call:

String pluralString = ResourcesUtil.getQuantityStringZero(

I wish there was something better but this at least gets the job done while keeping the string resource XML legible.

Solution 4:

Android is using the CLDR plurals system, and this is just not how it works (so don't expect this to change).

The system is described here:

In short, it's important to understand that "one" does not mean the number 1. Instead these keywords are categories, and the specific numbers n that belong to each category are defined by rules in the CLDR database:

While there appears to be no language which uses "zero" for anything other than 0, there are languages which assign 0 to "one". There are certainly plenty of cases where "two" contains other numbers than just 2.

If Android where to allow you to do what you intended, your applications could not be properly translated into any number of languages with more complex plural rules.