I'm using intelliJ for Scala development and got 8 GB of new RAM last week, so I thought: time to use it. I checked my task manager and found intelliJ using ~250mb. From eclipse I knew that tweaking JVM options helped a lot in improving speed, so I googled ...

and found this one for OS X I couldn't find the JVM option immediately, so I started tweaking Xmx. At 1 GB, I realized it doesn't start any more. I checked the intelliJ java version, found it's outdated and 32bit.

So in order to use your current JDK and 64 bit you have to change your link to from:

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.exe


IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.BAT

and adjust "Start in"

The bat looks for JDK_HOME and uses 64bit now.

My current VM Options, which are located in

...\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions



Instead of -XX:+UseParallelGC, you can use -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, which is

the accepted choice for desktop apps, but I have changed to the throughput collector recently. because with a fast machine and a small enough heap, you have quick pauses, more throughput and no issues with fragmentation (ijuma. #scala)


-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC //removed
// removed, because not needed with the lastest JVM.

I'll stick to these options for now. I would really like to know your experience with it.

Which options work best for you? How do I hide this cmd window while running intelliJ through the .bat? :)

By the way, here's another link for tuning intelliJ. Basically it says on p.20/21 to turn off windows restore and antivirus for system dirs.

Another way to speed up intelliJ is to put intellij system folder on ramdrive (thanks OlegYch|h).

from idea.properties 

See Superuser for Win 7 64bit RAM Drive or this one. 1 GB seems fine for me.

Another hint a friend gave me is to exclude the project directories from your antivirus (scan on access)

There are similar posts regarding tuning Eclipse:

  • Eclipse Helios 3.6
  • Eclipse Juno 4.2
  • Specify the JVM to start Eclipse with

Solution 1:

This combination works great on my Intellij13 running in Mavericks:

Updated Jul 18, 2017:

# custom IntelliJ IDEA VM options



I keep this setting updated at https://github.com/adben/config/blob/master/idea64.vmoptions

Solution 2:

For me switching to SSD-drive improved performance a lot (especially for large projects).

Solution 3:

Some time ago I was looking for the ways to speedup my project's compilation and that is result. This is not for IntelliJ IDEA itself but will help a lot when (re)building a big projects and, I guess, it will work with any other IDEs too. Also, I described Linux approach, but I'm sure Windows have it's own RAM-disk implementations.

The easiest way to speedup compilation is to move compilation output to RAM disk.

RAM disk setup

Open fstab

$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab

(instead of gedit you can use vi or whatever you like)

Set up RAM disk mount point

I'm using RAM disks in several places in my system, and one of them is /tmp, so I'll just put my compile output there:

tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0

In this case your filesystem size will not be bounded, but it's ok, my /tmp size right now is 73MB. But if you afraid that RAM disk size will become too big - you can limit it's size, e.g.:

tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,size=512M 0 0

Project setup

In IntelliJ IDEA, open Project Structure (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S by default), then go to Project - 'Project compiler output' and move it to RAM disk mount point:


(I've added projectName folder in order to find it easily if I need to get there or will work with several projects at same time)

Then, go to Modules, and in all your modules go to Paths and select 'Inherit project compile output path' or, if you want to use custom compile output path, modify 'Output path' and 'Test output path' the way you did it to project compiler output before.

That's all, folks!

P.S. A few numbers: time of my current project compilation in different cases (approx):

HDD:     80s
SSD:     30s
SSD+RAM: 20s

P.P.S. If you use SSD disk, besides compilation speedup you will reduce write operations on your disk, so it will also help your SSD to live happily ever after ;)

Solution 4:


How do I hide this cmd window while running intelliJ through the .bat?

Use the 'start' command and javaw.exe together, so, if you have:

SET JAVA_EXE=%IDEA_JDK%\jre\bin\java.exe

change it to:

SET JAVA_EXE=%IDEA_JDK%\jre\bin\javaw.exe
start "Intellij IDEA" /b "%JAVA_EXE%" %JVM_ARGS% -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" %IDEA_MAIN_CLASS_NAME% %*

Solution 5:

The most useful thing you can do for IntelliJ is to have a lot of free memory for disk caching. IntelliJ saves alot of its processing work in cached files. This works well if you have plenty of free memory, but if your disk cache is limited, you will see regular, long lasting pauses.

I would suggest -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC rather than G1.

I also work local copies of files to minimise file access delay.

BTW: For the project I am on, I noticed the difference between working on a machine with 24 GB and one with 48 GB, even though the max heap is set to 2 GB ;)