Is there a word to describe something new, but completely unnecesary?

Is there a word to describe making a new thing (instead of old one), which should be way better, more innovative, but in the end remains same or even worse.

Example - car manufacturers are putting displays in place of dashboards, but those displays still show same two round dials for speedometer and tachometer (only difference - they are shown in screen instead physically with dials and needles).

Solution 1:

A frequently used term for a feature that is incorporated into the design of something to attract attention, by appearing to make the thing significantly better, even though its actual effects on the thing's usefulness are minor, is gimmick. The term is most often used for apparent technological improvements of consumer products, that are intended to impress the potential buyers, and so increase the sales, but it can be used in other contexts as well.

Solution 2:

The word newfangled seems to be what you're looking for

recently made for the first time, but not always an improvement on what existed before

Other definitions include

New and often needlessly novel.

As can be seen, this word is often used in a negative sense, to imply that something is needlessly innovative, with no improvement, and possibly a worse result, which appears to be the meaning you're trying to convey.

car manufacturers are putting newfangled displays in place of dashboards, but those displays still show ...

Solution 3:

Not a word but often I use the phrase "cosmetic upgrade" to describe such things, if that helps.

Solution 4:

I would use the word "fad" because that is really what such things are. They are (temporarily) new and popular but will over time lose popularity. It implicitly connotes that it is unnecessary as well.