What would you call a mid-life crisis in someone's 30s?

We all know "mid-life crisis" and there's the handy "Quarter-life crisis" for a person around 25 but what would be the appropriate term for a "1/3 life" crisis, ie, a crisis in one's 30s? My Latin roots are weak. Foreign loan words accepted!

Solution 1:

The expression “quarter-life crisis” appears to be used in psychology to refer also to those in their early to mid-thirties:

In popular psychology, a quarter-life crisis is a crisis "involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life" which is most commonly experienced in a period ranging from a person's early twenties up to their mid-thirties.


Midlife crisis appears to refers to people from 35 to 55:

The most common midlife crisis age range is 35 to 55, with some variability between genders.
