Which Lisp should I learn? [closed]

Clojure is an actively developed, modern dialect of Lisp. It's based on the JVM, so all the Java libraries are immediately available, and therefore also has Unicode support.

This is one alternative, not the One True Answer.

If you want avoid flamewars and you enjoy libraries go with Clojure. It's small, it's fast, and the community is helpful and non-dogmatic. It's Lisp minus the absurd cruft of the 1980s . It has a BDFL and if you have a good idea there's a damn good chance it will get implemented into the language.

I have toyed around with Common Lisp, it's a beautiful thing. I've completed the first 3 chapters and the Metacircular Evaluator in SICP in DrScheme, and that is beautiful thing as well. Of course, you will benefit greatly from learning these.

But, over time I have come to hold small languages dear to my heart. I won't lie, I love Javascript and I love C (and goddammit if every language doesn't have a C core at it's heart) because they are small.

Clojure is small. It is elegant. It is a language for our times.