What is a term for devices requiring human input to function (e.g. a wind-up music box)?

So the title is probably not very graceful, but that's exactly why I'm asking this question. I'm trying to find a list of toys, machines, etc. that require the human to interact with them to trigger their mechanism, in old movie cameras, this was done by rotating a handle for example.

But I've no idea how to phrase my search, I'm therefore asking if you know a term that might describe these kinds of things?

This class of objects (and toys) are referred to as automata or automatous (toys, objects, etc). Merriam-Webster defines this as "of, like, or suggestive of an automaton ("a mechanism that is relatively self-operating"). [1, 2] Compared with modern robotics this may now seem a bit of a misnomer, but historically this refers to all variety of clockwork-driven items, and a quick Google search turns up plenty of toy and non-toy items of the like. A subtype of automatous toys are called wind-up toys, because you turn a crank to load a spring with energy ("wind it up") to operate the mechanism.

Hand-cranked (or hand crank)

There are hand crank generators and radios and lights. Also hand-cranked ice cream makers. Red Cross hand crank radio


There are wind-up toys, requiring "human input" to operate. (Wikipedia at Wind-up toy)