How to pull data from CATSone API with Authentication Token?

I am completely new to coding. I am trying to build a dashboard in Klipfolio. I am using a CATSone API to pull data from CATSone to Klipfolio. However, I can only get 100 rows a time, which means I would have to pull data 2600 times.

I am now trying to build a script to get data from the API through Google Script Editor. However, since I have no experience in this, I am just trying stuff. I watched some videos, also from Ben Collins. The basis is simple, and I get what he is doing.

However, I have a problem with putting the API key.

    var API_KEY = 'key'

    function callCATSone(){

//Call the CATSone API for all candidate list
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");

// URL and params for the API
var url = '';

 var params = {
 'method': 'GET',
 'muteHttpExceptions': true,
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'key ' + apikey

// call the API
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
var data = response.getContentText();
var json = JSON.parse(data);

In the end, I would like to transfer all candidate list data to my sheets. Therefore, I call on the API with Authorization key. After that, I will manipulate the data, but that's for later. The first problem I now encounter, is this fail code:

'Verzoek voor is mislukt. Foutcode: 401. Ingekorte serverreactie: {"message":"Invalid credentials."} (Gebruik de optie muteHttpExceptions om de volledige reactie te onderzoeken.) (regel 6, bestand 'Code')'.

I expect to get a list of all data from CATSone into my sheets.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

Solution 1:

Two changes should fix the credentials error:

Authorization header should be Authorization: 'Token ' + yourApiKey instead of 'key ', see the v3 API documentation

API key in your case is stored in a global variable API_KEY, you should reference it exactly like that, not as an apikey (unless there is a typo in your sample or some missing code): Authorization : 'Token ' + API_KEY.

Btw, it should probably set either a Content-Type header or a contentType parameter for UrlFetchApp.fetch() method call to application/json as UrlFetchApp.fetch() request content type defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

If you plan to continue working with APIs, it would be beneficial to read this MDN article.