snmpwalk -Of does not display textual OID

I figured out why the -Of flag didn't work. I had to do this:

sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
vi /etc/snmp/snmp.conf

and commented out the line that contains the string "mibs :".

After that, snmpwalk -v 2c -Of -c public localhost shows the text OID's instead of numeric.

But now, there is another problem: snmpwalk -v 2c -Of -c public localhost is not showing as much info as on a FreeBSD system.

It was showing very little info, because we didn't do this:

vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
# Comment out this line - 
view   systemonly  included   . 
# Add the line below:
view   systemonly  included   .

Now, snmpwalk is showing a lot more information


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