Printing to Windows Server shared printers from an iPad

We have a VP who wants to print from his iPad. We have a few printers shared off our DC running Windows Server 2008 r2. All of the iPad apps that I've found have not worked very well. Has anyone had any success with getting iOS devices to print on a Windows network?

Solution 1:

Ignore the offical advice from Apple, they just want you to splash yet more of your cash on a licensed AirPrint printer. Here's the good news. Even on iOS5 (and iOS6), most printers can be AirPrint enabled via Windows without buying a new printer. Here are two ways to get what you want.

Free solution (requires tinkering)

If you don't mind doing a bit of configuration legwork, get JasonHD's fantastic AirPrint Installer from the MacRumors forum:

AirPrint Installer is fully iOS5 and iOS6 compatible. The first post in the thread contains a link to download the software; the rest of the thread has tips for troubleshooting if you can't get it to work.

Paid solution (just works)

On the other hand, if you're a technophobe and don't mind a small outlay... get FingerPrint:

Costs $19.99 and has a free trial so you can confirm it works with your printer.

Either way, you should be AirPrinting without a new a printer in no time...