Get text from pressed button

How can I get the text from a pressed button? (Android)

I can get the text from a button:

String buttonText = button.getText();

I can get the id from a pressed button:

int buttinID = view.getId();

What I can't find out at this moment is how to get the text on the pressed button.

public void onClick(View view) {
  // Get the text on the pressed button

The view you get passed in on onClick() is the Button you are looking for.

public void onClick(View v) {
    // 1) Possibly check for instance of first 
    Button b = (Button)v;
    String buttonText = b.getText().toString();

1) If you are using a non-anonymous class as onClickListener, you may want to check for the type of the view before casting it, as it may be something different than a Button.

If you're sure that the OnClickListener instance is applied to a Button, then you could just cast the received view to a Button and get the text:

public void onClick(View view){
Button b = (Button)view;
String text = b.getText().toString();

Try to use:

String buttonText = ((Button)v).getText().toString();

Try this,

Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
String btnText=btn.getText();

In Kotlin:

myButton.setOnClickListener { doSomething((it as Button).text) }

Note: This gets the button text as a CharSequence, which more places in code can likely use. If you really want a String from there, then you can use .toString().