Tea bag disposal plate name

What is a little plate used for disposal of a tea bag called?

I find myself in a real conundrum here. Tea drinker problems.

Typical scenario: I order a cup of tea at a diner. I'm given a cup of hot water and a teabag. Said teabag is steeped for a few minutes until the tea is just how I like it: not too thin, but not too thick.

Now, said teabag must be removed, or the tea will be too strong! A small plate or saucer is immediately needed for disposal.

Establishments are often hesitant to give out these little plates, because it adds a lot of dishwashing/waste for something they seem to think is a luxury item. So, I'm left "holding the bag" as they say... and, sadly, nowhere to put it.

I must then resort to barbaric acts, such as placing the used bag:

  1. Directly on the counter, where it leaks all over.
  2. On my paper placemat, where it makes a big wet spot.
  3. On my teaspoon, which is just rude.
  4. Wrapping it in a napkin, which promptly turns into a soppy brown mess
  5. Using the paper tea bag wrapper for disposal, which really doesn't work very well.
  6. Into an empty water glass, which is obscene.
  7. Rock-bottom has to be eating a single-serve jelly, directly out of the packet with my teaspoon, and putting the used bag into the little empty plastic container.

Don't even think about putting that nasty teabag on the side of my food plate.

So I need to ask, "May I please have a little plate for my used teabag?

English SE, please tell me, what is the name of this little saucer thingy?


Amazon has the following that meet your requirements; and perhaps more that I haven't yet seen.

Tea Bag ...

  • Dish
  • Tidy
  • Coaster
  • Holder
  • Rest

[Lakeland White Porcelain] Tea Bag Rest "Where do you put your tea bag after you’ve fished it out of your mug, or taken it out of your teapot so your brew doesn’t stew? On our pretty little White Porcelain Tea Bag Rest, of course".

Brought to you straight from the UK. [ha ha]

tea bag rest

Also, for spoons and other utensils when cooking:

Here is a spoon rest (which I am going to buy as the one I had for 30 years broke) from William Sonoma:

William Sonoma, spoon rest