Upgrade fails because of blcr-dkms

Solution 1:

Based on the good suggestion by PocketSam

Look with aptitude why blcr-dkms why the package is installed, and remove that package if possible. For me, this was the package r-cran-rmpi which I actually don't use but installed with a apt-get install r-cran-* command.

Don't forget to do a apt-get autoremove to really uninstall the blcr-dkms package automatically.

The reason for this package not working is explained here

Solution 2:

Maybe you may try to remove this module using dkms?

sudo dkms uninstall blcr-dkms 
sudo dkms remove -all blcr-dkms

Have no idea if it will break something. BLCR (Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart) allows programs running on Linux to be "checkpointed" (written entirely to a file), and then later "restarted".

Solution 3:

I got the same message but when I tried for the third time using sudo update-manager -d It worked...

Solution 4:

I was getting this bug, but it seems to be solved after I did a

sudo apt-get install blcr-dkms