Convert string to variable name in JavaScript

Solution 1:

If it's a global variable then window[variableName] or in your case window["onlyVideo"] should do the trick.

Solution 2:

Javascript has an eval() function for such occasions:

function (varString) {
  var myVar = eval(varString);
  // .....

Edit: Sorry, I think I skimmed the question too quickly. This will only get you the variable, to set it you need

function SetTo5(varString) {
  var newValue = 5;
  eval(varString + " = " + newValue);

or if using a string:

function SetToString(varString) {
  var newValue = "string";
  eval(varString + " = " + "'" + newValue + "'");

But I imagine there is a more appropriate way to accomplish what you're looking for? I don't think eval() is something you really want to use unless there's a great reason for it. eval()