Slicehost vs Linode [closed]

I've used Linode for about a year now, specifically their Dallas DC. I have nothing but praise for them. The only thing they could do to make me happier is to make it free (but with their referral program it's been free for me for 6 months now!). I've blogged a bit about them:

Linode Review
Bring your Linode Home with You

There's comments on those articles from other users. In the interest of full disclosure, those articles link to Linode with my referral code - if you find the articles helpful, I'd appreciate the referral.

I've heard SliceHost is good, but there's been a few people that have came to Linode from SliceHost and been happier with their Linode.

Some good comparisons between the two services (that aren't on the Linode or Slicehost forums):

  • VPS Showdown
  • Slicehost vs Linode

Also, "RossH" posted the same UnixBench scores that David points to in his answer in the Linode forum, where it was mentioned that his host was shared with 36 other Linodes.

I can only speak about Linode. I am exceptionally happy with the Linode service. The infrastructure is top notch with highly reliable servers on fast connections. The Linode "dashboard" is great and offers everything you need to get started in minutes. The managed DNS is quick and easy, with four geographically diverse servers. The only problems I have experienced have been upstream network issues (two brief outages).

All that said, the very best part of Linode is the people. The staff are the best: skilled, responsive and available. You can phone, email, use forums or IRC. The Linode community is a great and helpful group. I would recommend Linode on that basis alone but you get all to the great technical work too.

You can read a little more on my blog:

Good luck with whatever you choose, I believe you can't do better than Linode.