What is the name of the depiction of concentration with raised eyebrow called? [closed]

If you look at this picture, how would you describe the mood and the eyes of the character?

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I would not say she's angry. I would say she is concentrating to cut the object. However there are many kinds of concentration, and thus the eye expression can differ. This one gives me the feeling that she doesn't accept the existence of the object, and thus must kill it.

I would call them furrowed brows.

Definition of a furrowed brow from Cambridge Dictionary:

a forehead that has lines in the skin, usually caused by worry

Here’s an example of this phrase being used in the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry:

But as he stared at the book’s inside cover[...], his brows furrowed. Then his eyes grew wide, and suddenly he sucked in his breath and sprang from his chair like a wounded animal, flinging the book onto the floor and stomping madly upon it"

I would say she looks Determined

(adj.) Marked by or showing determination; resolute.

Whatever she is cutting there, she looks very determined to get it done.

I would say you are looking for the word "frown". According to Merriam-Webster:

Definition of frown (Entry 2 of 2)
1: an expression of displeasure
2: a wrinkling of the brow in displeasure or concentration