Are there any widely used modern synonyms for turnstile? You know, the gate you need a ticket, badge, or barcode in order to pass through. Nowadays, I don't see any with an actual metal-pole turning mechanism, just a little set of doors that opens and closes when you scan your ID, so using the word turnstile seems kind of antiquated.

Example sentence:

"For our trip tomorrow, let's meet at the station just outside the turnstiles."

Except they're not turnstiles, because it's no longer a "post with a number of short poles sticking out from it that have to be pushed round as each person walks through the entrance" (

Even something fancy like this is still called a turnstile:

turnstile with doors

This particular item is a 2MGST-5 Face Recognition and Thermal Detection Access Control Swing Turnstile. There are many similar examples out there such as in Flexibility, Efficiency, and Security: The Benefits of Optical Turnstiles.

Alternatively it can be called a gate.

Taking my cue from your example sentence

"For our trip tomorrow, let's meet at the station just outside the turnstiles."

Each individual device that you pass through to enter or exit a rail station is a ticket barrier.

Mind you, to go by what Google came up with when I googled the phrase, it seems that even the ticket barrier might soon be a thing of the past. Articles in the Daily Telegraph and the Independent on plans to replace them with sensors. Tripadvisor Q&A about present-day rail station ticket barriers.

A line of them is called a gateline or gate line, though this might be a more technical term.