Configure multiple SSL certificates in Haproxy

You can concatenate all your certificates into files say haproxy1.pem and haproxy2.pem or you can specify a directory containing all your pem files.

cat cert1.pem key1.pem > haproxy1.pem 
cat cert2.pem key2.pem > haproxy2.pem

As per the haproxy docs

Then on the config use something like this:

  log local0
  option tcplog

frontend ft_test
  mode http
  bind ssl crt /certs/haproxy1.pem crt /certs/haproxy2.pem 
  use_backend bk_cert1 if { ssl_fc_sni } # content switching based on SNI
  use_backend bk_cert2 if { ssl_fc_sni } # content switching based on SNI

backend bk_cert1
  mode http
  server srv1 <ip-address2>:80

backend bk_cert2
  mode http
  server srv2 <ip-address3>:80

Read more about SNI

Keep in mind that SSL support is in development staging for haproxy and also that it apparently has considerable performance hit.

There are other solutions talked about in this thread:

Hope this helps.

No need to concat or specify a list of certificates anymore, just specify a folder:

frontend public
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/

Note: make sure the folder isn't empty and valid PEM files are present, otherwise HAProxy will not run.

maybe you could check this too:




frontend https-in:
  bind *:443 ssl crt-list /etc/ssl/private/crt-list.txt
