Using RequireJS, how do I pass in global objects or singletons around?

Solution 1:

You would make that a module-level variable. For example,

// In foo.js
define(function () {
    var theFoo = {};

    return {
        getTheFoo: function () { return theFoo; }

// In bar.js
define(["./foo"], function (foo) {
    var theFoo = foo.getTheFoo(); // save in convenience variable

    return {
        setBarOnFoo: function () { = "hello"; }

// In baz.js
define(["./foo"], function (foo) {
    // Or use directly.
    return {
        setBazOnFoo: function () { foo.getTheFoo().baz = "goodbye"; }

// In any other file
define(["./foo", "./bar", "./baz"], function (foo, bar, baz) {

    assert(foo.getTheFoo().bar === "hello");
    assert(foo.getTheFoo().baz === "goodbye");

Solution 2:

Just provide an API for your singleton as you would.

And make sure its lazily loaded. The easiest way is to use an abstraction library like underscore that supplies cross browser helpers. Other options are ES5 Object.defineProperty or custom getter/setters.

In this case _.once ensures that constructor's result is cached after the first call, it basically lazy loads it.

define(function() {
    var constructor = _.once(function() { 

    return {
        doStuffWithSingleton: function() {


_.once from underscore.

Solution 3:

Combining Raynos's concerns about encapsulation with the OP's clarification that he wants to expose a couple of methods on a messaging service, this is I think the right way to go about it:

// In messagingServiceSingleton.js
define(function () {
    var messagingService = new MessagingService();

    return {
        notify: messagingService.listen.bind(messagingService),
        listen: messagingService.notify.bind(messagingService)

// In bar.js
define(["./messagingServiceSingleton"], function (messagingServiceSingleton) {
    messagingServiceSingleton.listen(/* whatever */);

// In baz.js
define(["./messagingServiceSingleton"], function (messagingServiceSingleton) {
    messagingServiceSingleton.notify(/* whatever */);

Function.prototype.bind will not be present in all browsers, so you would need to include a polyfill like the one Mozilla provides.

An alternate (and in my opinion probably better) approach would be to make the messaging service object itself a module. This would look something like

// In messagingService.js
define(function () {
    var listenerMap = {};

    function listen(/* params */) {
        // Modify listenerMap as appropriate according to params.
    function notify(/* params */) {
        // Use listenerMap as appropriate according to params.

    return {
        notify: notify
        listen: listen

Since you expose the same notify and listen methods to everyone who uses your module, and those always refer to the same private listenerMap variable, this should do what you want. It also obviates the need for Function.prototype.bind, and gets rid of the rather-unnecessary distinction between the messaging service itself and the module which enforces singleton usage of it.

Solution 4:

Here's a version where the module itself is the shared variable instead of a variable within that module.

define('foo', [], {bar: "this text will be overwritten"});

define('bar', ["foo"], function (foo) {
    return {
        setBarOnFoo: function () { = "hello"; }

define('baz', ["foo"], function (foo) {
    return {
        setBazOnFoo: function () { foo.baz = "goodbye"; }

require(["foo", "bar", "baz"], function (foo, bar, baz) {

    $('#results').append( + ' ' + foo.baz);

// reads: hello goodbye